IN 12


Fit 4 LIFE IN 12

About Us

Fit for Life in 12 is a 12 week, individualized wellness program which emphasizes realistic lifestyle changes resulting in enhanced levels of health and fitness. Participants will meet once weekly for about 90 minutes and will use customized fitness and diet plans developed by our team.

Fit 4 life in 12

What you will learn

  • stress management
  • the wellness choice 
  • nutrition for life
  • eat to live
  • food labels
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • flexibility fitness
  • strength fitness
  • disease prevention
  • healthy aging
  • and much more!
Fit 4 life in 12

What to expect after 12 weeks

  • Lose at least 7 pounds from starting weight
  • Lower systolic blood pressure by about 7 points
  • Lower diastolic blood pressure by about 2.5 points
  • Lower total cholesterol by over 13 points
  • Lower triglyceride level by over 20 points
"...Dr. Tim McKnight was so knowledgeable and focused on telling us just the right things and gave us hope and enthusiasm to continue. I wish this could be a mandatory class that everyone would have to take."
 Patti Strickling
"The Fit 4 Life in 12 offers people the opportunity to make positive, lasting changes in their lives. It does so at an appropriate pace using tried and true practices anyone can follow. If you are serious about making a healthier choice in life, this program can help you do it."
David Wheeler
"I am proud to say that I have lost an additional 18 pounds since the class (ended) bringing my total weight loss to almost 40 pounds. I am back to the weight I was in high school!...the Fit for Life class has changed my life."
Shannon Boone